Mountain Biking Areas

View a map of all the areas and restrictions: Click Here
Mountain Bikers need the same exact permits as do hikers
Click Here for Pass Information.
Be aware that rules and regulations change, so if in doubt, call: 360-449-7800
East Side Roads
Forest Roads 25 & 99 Gifford Pinchot National Forest
Roads 25 and 99 provide access to Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument's vast
blown down forest and views of the legendary Spirit Lake. These Forest Roads are
typically open from Memorial Day until snow blocks the roads.
During the summer, on Forest Road 99, interpretive talks and walks bring the landscape
to life for visitors and can be enjoyed at the numerous view points. Food services and
gifts are available at Cascades Peaks Viewpoint. Lodging, gas, and other services are
offered in nearby communities. Cowlitz Valley Ranger Station, East of the Monument,
is open to visitors daily during the summer season.
Sept. 26, 2011. Regularly scheduled Interpertive talks have ended for the season.
East Side Trails
Abraham Trail #216D
Loowit Trail #216 This exciting trail circles Mount St. Helens, allowing you to experience
the entire range of effects the 1980 eruption had on the mountain and the surrounding area.
Loowit Trail #216 is a challenging hike across rough terrain. The trail is not crossed by a
single road and can be accessed by "feeder" trails identified by the number #216 and a letter
of the alphabet. The entire route is 30 miles in length and each segment varies in its difficulty rating.
Loowit #216 June Lake #216B to Ape Canyon #234
Loowit #216-Butte Camp #238A to Ptarmigan #216A
Loowit #216-Castle Ridge #216G to Sheep Canyon #240
Loowit #216-Ptarmigan #216A to June Lake #216B
Loowit Trail #216 Ape Canyon #234 to Windy Trail #207
South Side Roads
South Side - SR 503, Forest Roads 83, 81 & 90 Forest Road 83 passes through lava flows
and mudflows from earlier eruptions and provides access to Climber's Bivouac, Ape Cave
and Lava Canyon. State Highway 503 is open year round, while Forest Roads 83, 81, and 90
are usually open from Memorial Day until snow blocks the roads. Guided lantern walks are
conducted daily at Ape Cave from June through begining of September. Food, lodging, gas
and other services are available in nearby communities.
Roving Rangers will be roving Lahar View Point and Lava Canyon this summer to provide
interprative talks on the geology of the area.
South Side Trails
Ape Canyon Trail #234
Trail open to Mountain Bikes and Hikers. 5.5 miles one way.
Beginning next to the mudflow that traveled down the Muddy River drainage, the trail climbs
steadily through a plantation of young trees before entering groves of giant Douglas fir,
silver and noble fir. The trail then emerges on an open ridge top with views east into
Ape Canyon and in the distance, Mount Adams. Wildflowers, when in bloom, paint these meadows
in vibrant colors. Continuing along the ridge, the trail passes through patches of 1980
standing dead forest before emerging at the top of Ape Canyon, where it terminates at the
junction with Loowit Trail #216.
Blue Horse Trail #237
Blue Lake Trailhead
Butte Camp Trail #238A
Cinnamon Trail #204
Fossil Trail #242
June Lake Trail #216B
Offering picnicking opportunities on the shores of June Lake, this trail is a good
choice for families and beginning hikers.
Ptarmigan Trail #216A
Sheep Canyon Trail #240
Smith Creek Trail #225
The Smith Creek Trail offers a chance to observe the immense impact of the 1980 eruption.
Toutle Trail #238
West Side Trails
State Highway 504 Visitor centers on State Highway 504 reveal tremendous views of
Mount St. Helens, including the crater, lava dome, and blast zone. Mount St. Helens
Visitor Center (operated by Washington State Parks) and Johnston Ridge Observatory
are open daily during the summer months. Interpretive talks, walks, and theater
programs are offered at each site. Food, lodging, gas, and other services are located
in nearby communities. During the summer months food service is available at Johnston Ridge Observatory.
South Coldwater Trail #230A
Truman Trail #207
Willow Springs Trail #207A