Length: 17.1 miles round trip
Elevation Change: 2000' cummulative elevation gain
Season: Mid-Summer thru Early Fall
Difficulty: Difficult
Permit: NW Forest Pass Required
This hike is only snow free for a brief period
of time between mid summer and early fall. Yet,
it is one of the most rewarding adventures in
the beautiful Three Sister's Wilderness Area.
The hike gains about 2000' in elevation, and
takes you up from a fairly dense pine
forest into the sub alpine region right in
the middle of Broken Top and South
Sister Mountain.
To hike in the Green Lakes area of the Three
Sisters Wilderness does not require this loop
hike that I am describing here. I did the
hike as a loop, and am describing it as such,
but obviously one can hike any portion or leg
of this hike and find extreme satisfaction.
I did the hike counter-clockwise. I began and
ended my adventure from the main parking area
for Green Lakes. I headed northeast up the Soda
Creek drainage. The trail barely climbs for
the first couple miles, but as you enter the
Soda Creek Canyon things get a bit steeper.
If you chose to do this loop hike, I strongly
encourage you to do the little spur hikes I've
illustrated along the way. They have their
own rewards and are well worth the effort.
The hike leaves the forested valley and climbs
into a more alpine environment. Here you are
surrounded by wonderful vistas and in season,
wonderful floral displays. After you get to
Green Lakes, if you have time follow the trail
north up another level to a plateau with more
fantastic views, especially of Broken Top.
As the map shows, I followed Fall Creek back
to the trailhead. It makes a long day, or
a great overnighter. Enjoy!!!!

Looking across Green Lake at the South Sister