Blue Wildflower Guide
This page is designed to be printed for you to take with you on a hike.
(Please realize that I am just a fellow hiker, NOT an expert. These common flower names are simply my best conclusion.)

Click slowly and deliberately on any photo below to view larger version.
 Bachelor Button |
 Bachelor Button |
 Blue Eyed Grass |
 Columbia Kittentails |
 Small Flowered Lupine |
 Blue Eyed Mary |
 Periwinkle |
 Poison Larkspur |
 Type of ground ivy |
 Oregon Anemone |
 Bi-colored Cluster Lily |
 Western Field Gilia |
 Common Lupine |
 Tall Bluebells |
 Mountain Bog Gentian |
 Common Harebell |
 Great Hounds Tongue |
 Small Flowered Forget-me-nots |
 Blue Flax |
 Cusics Speedwell |
 Purple Sage |
 Common Camas |
 Cascade Penstemon |
 Oregon Grapes |
 Blue Huckleberry |
 Naked Broomrape |
 English Bluebells |
 Alpine Speedwell |
 Showy Jacob's Ladder |
 Sweet Violet |
 Monkshood |
 Upland Larkspur |
 Scouler's Bluebell |
 Oregon Flag Iris |
 Bead Lily Seed |
 Elderberry |
 Small Flowered Penstemon |
 Juniper Berries |
 Mahala Mat |
 flower parts |
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