Pink Wildflower Guide
This page is designed to be printed for you to take with you on a hike.
(Please realize that I am just a fellow hiker, NOT an expert. These common flower names are simply my best conclusion.)

Click slowly and deliberately on any photo below to view larger version.
 Bleeding Heart |
 unknown |
 Star Flower |
 Fox Glove |
 Rhododendron |
 Davidson Penstemon |
 Mountain Spiraea |
 Columbia Desert Parsley |
 Filaree |
 Elephant's Head Lousewort |
 Thistle |
 Western Sweet-vetch |
 Cusick's Monkeyflower |
 Lewis' Monkeyflower |
 Pink Heather |
 Scouler's Corydalis |
 Scouler's Corydalis |
 Ballhead Waterleaf |
 Shooting Star |
 Blackberry blossoms |
 Wild Pea |
 Wild Pea |
 Manzanita |
 Pipsissewa |
 Nodding Onion |
 Spreading Dogbane |
 Herb Robert Geranium |
 Farewell to Spring |
 Farewell to Spring |
 Calypso Fairy Slipper |
 Oaks Toothwort |
 Candy Flower Miners Lettuce |
 Bitterroot |
 Fireweed |
 Prairie Star |
 Fringe Cup |
 Wild Rose |
 Wild Rose |
 Giant Clover |
 Clasping Henbit |
 Rosey Plectritis |
 Twin Flower |
 Varied-leaf Collomia |
 Red Henbit |
 Rosey Plectritis budding |
 Red Dead-nettle |
 Sitka Valerian |
 Showy Phlox |
 Spreading Phlox |
 Dagger Pod |
 Knodding Onion |
 Red Campion |
 Honesty |
 Pink Showy Phlox |
 unknown Penstemon |
 Bachelor Button |
 Grass Pink |
 Common Centaury |
 Salmon berry Blossom |
 Fox Glove |
 Dutchman Breeches |
 Clarkia |
 - Penstemon |
 Twin Flower |
 - |
 Rosey Pussytoes |
 - |
 Birds-beak Lousewort |
 Clarkia |
 Varied-leaf Collomia |
 Harry Manzanita |
 Manzanita |
 Fireweed |
 Pink Lupine |
 flower parts |
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